Monday, May 27, 2013

black buzz

it's a beautiful end-of-May day and I have the sunburn from hell, but this is a glorious day. I'm in the moment. I have a best friend whom I love, a book, and two swimming pools. I'm not thinking of the future. I'm thinking of only now. I'm not worried about a boy or any boy at all. I'm thinking of how good the sun feels even as my shoulders are almost to the point of blistering. This is May 27th, 2013. Nothing else, just that.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


My favorite band! They have a new album and a new lineup that still includes my #1 musician crush, Lockett Pundt, and my favorite musician in general, the always-entertaining Bradford Cox.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Fatherly Life Lessons from the genius F. Scott Fitzgerald

Papa knows best...

céline et jesse

I don't know why it's taken me this long to watch this film. This is all I have ever desired, to fall in love suddenly and be forced to treasure all the little time I have with this person. The conversations are deeper, the love more desperate and true. 

"He's kind-of tall and a little clumsy...I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Crazy Love

I've always wanted to slow dance to this song in a place I shared with my significant other, a home. 

And when Im returning from so far away 
She gives me some sweet lovin brighten up my day 
Yes it makes me righteous, yes it makes me feel whole 
Yes it makes me mellow down in to my soul

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Times They Are A-Changin'

Never childhood sweethearts, always almost. He's my grown friend with love under his belt and I, his grown friend with lovers  under hers. Do they add up? Lovers with love. See you soon, E.

Hey, Taro!

Gerda Taro and Robert Capa, two renowned war photojournalists that were struck by as much tragedy as they photographed. A love story for the ages and one that captivates. These two lost each other too soon but were reunited in the end, their legacies still intertwined. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

cocteau twins

a three-piece band from scotland that has created a brand of music no one can categorize.

i was introduced to this band through a terrible sequel no one wanted, s. darko.

i first saw it when i was 15 and i can't recall now what actually happened in the movie, there's one thing i do remember fondly and it's the song that ended the film, cocteau twins's "heaven or las vegas." to put it lightly, it changed me. at that ripe age, i was exposed to one of the most innovative and eclectic bands to ever exist.  

the band was comprised of two former lovers, elizabeth fraser and robin guthrie and will heggie on the bass. they made something happen that people had never seen and they changed the face of alternative rock. fraser contributes to much of this success with the voice that even today can rival so many. it is an exquisite voice to say the least and her delivery - a beautiful chant-like slur - still remains one-of-a-kind. 

this is a performance of a cover of tim buckley's "song to the siren"

Friday, May 3, 2013

baz luhrmann's romeo and juliet

has there ever been a more perfect film in my world?

the colors
the actors
the music
it's all flawless

des'ree's 'kissing you' still has the overwhelmingly romantic effect it had over me as a small child, oddly enough. even then, i knew this song was extraordinary.

and of course, some more favorites from the r+j soundtrack in honor of the fantastic soundtrack that's going to accompany luhrmann's new film, the great gatsby

quindon tarver everybody's free

the wannadies you and me


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